We found the orange


Kyle and I found a plastic orange from his play food set. It had been missing for some time. We were cleaning up some cardboard boxes and there it was! Kyle excitedly picked up and said "An orange! It is food!". He looked at it, then at me, and said "It's made of pretend."

Setting the Dessert on Fire... Twice


We had friends over for a Christmas/Chanukah dinner: John made a wonderful baked ziti, and we had Roman carrots and salad. After eating too much, it was then time for dessert. I made a farina pie (my great aunt Anna's recipe) and a jam tart for the kids. Our friends brought an apple crisp and ice cream.

The apple crisp was just done baking and it was suggested that we put it under the broiler to brown...

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Lighting the Menorah


Yesterday evening we went to our friends' house to light the menorah for Chanukah. This was the first time for both Kyle and John. When we lit the candles, Rachael (Kyle's 2 year old friend) was very excited and Kyle kept pointing out the colors of the candles.

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Decorating the Tree


Today we decorated the tree. Kyle was amazed and awed by John putting the lights on. He was so happy just to look at all the colors. Kyle and I unpacked the ornaments and he was fascinated with all of them. So fascinated, he didn't want to put them on the tree!

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