Download & Install
Spirex v2.25 (706kB) for Windows 2000 and
ReadMe for Spirex/Windows.
The download file is an executable installer, just run it.
Macintosh OS X
Spirex v2.26 Universal binary (i386/x86_64) (839kB) runs on Mac OS X
10.6 and later.
ReadMe for Spirex/Mac.
Drag the Spirex.saver bundle into the folder /System/Library/Screen Savers or the folder Library/Screen Savers inside your home folder.
Source Code
The source for Spirex is available under the Gnu Public
Spirex v2.26 source (1.3Mb) -
Common source tree for Windows and Macintosh OS X
Spirex is free. Although, if you really like it, we'd like you to donate US$20 to the Electronic Frontier Foundation.
Change Log
2.26 - November 2014 (Mac-only release)
- M: Replaced configuration drawer with configuration sheet (the drawer did not size properly in Mavericks and Yosemite).
2.25 - December 2009 (Windows-only release)
- W: Fixed bug in multiple monitor support. Dropped support for Windows 95/98
2.24 - September 2009
- M: Updated binary for 64-bit mode (for Snow Leopard)
- Cone frusta mode split into Conics mode and Cylinders mode
2.22 - March 2006
- W: Statically linked MSVC8 runtime libary
- New features in tri-axial mode, related to texture manipulation
2.21 - March 2006
- W: Went back to NSIS for the installer, still self-uninstalls
- W: In random preset mode, when 3D modes are disabled, you can pick a subset of the presets to run
- W: Switched from GDI to GDI+ for 2D graphics, still using OpenGL for 3D
- W: Switched from Metrowerks C++ to Visual C++ 2005 Express (also works with VC++ 6.0)
- M: Universal binary
- Wrapped cube mode added so that the user can explitly choose whether textures wrap the cube or appear on each face
2.20 - November 2004 (Windows-only release)
- W: Screensaver, installer, and uninstaller are all one executable
- W: Standard textures are incorporated inside the screensaver file (the net result of these two changes is that Spirex installs only one file on your system)
- W: Spirex exits when the monitor is blanked by the OS
- W: New modes: Toroids, Utah teapots, and "tri-axial" Squares
- W: Configuration dialog reorganized as a property sheet
- W: Able to support weaker 3D hardware by dropping the resolution
- W: Multi-monitor systems can reduce resolution or not use 3D in 2nd monitor
- W: Added ability to change polygon resolution of 3D modes
- W: Fixed bug in preview pane when switching between certain modes
- W: Fixed bug in battery mode where screen freezes
- W: Fixed bug where Spirex would fail to start
2.19 - September 2004
- Added new 3D Cone Frusta mode
- Points mode now an option for all geometric modes
- New tri-axial option that varies the three dimensions differently - try it on spheres or cubes
- New standard presets - try out Torqued Ellipses!
- W: Less ugly icons
- W: New threading model, let me know if it hangs
- W: Fixed a multi-threading bug where multiple update checks could step on each other
- M: Fixed a bug in selecting the last preset when there are no user presets
- M: Fixed a bug in checking for new versions when there are multiple monitors
2.18 - February 2004
- New standard presets - they look better than the old
- Many small rendering tweeks and fixes
- Wide textures are now nicely wrapped around cubes - try it with the earth texture!
- Checks for updates weekly
- W: Random presets are random on all monitors
- W: Full-screen preview uses current setting for random presets
- M: Moved option controls into a drawer, where they fit nicely
- M: Added SpirexInfo app that checks for updates and tells the user about it
- M: Many small build tweaks